9 Ocak 2014 Perşembe


Math type is writing equation program. It is very useful program. 

This is the home page

The following program sections are shown in bold.

Math type may be combined Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.
In the Microsoft word, when math type tab INLINE and DISPLAY to the options pressing, Math Type window will be opened.
Using of the math types program, the preparation of the exam paper, writing 
equation  is much easier our job.

This program also use in derivative,limits matrix expressions.

We write equations.
In the  lower left  corner of the program, there are some tabs 

Pressing right mouse button, we can change color, size zoom and style.





Finally, we create tables in this program.

I think. This program is very useful and simple. I would recommend that  you use and watch lower video.

7 Ocak 2014 Salı

Wolfram alpha is search engine.

It generates output by doing computations from its own internal knowledge base, instead of searching the web and returning links. Wolfram Alpha is one of the most useful tools for technologies that other people.

Wolfram Alpa can give meaningful answers to equations we asked.
 Woflram Alpha can immediately calculate the distance between the two cities, the location and the position.

Wolfram Alfa is search engine, it can understand completely logical and mathematical expressions. In many areas of science gives answers. Mathematics, Physics, Health, Finance, Music,Chemistry,Food,Media...

Wolfram Alpha is math topics relevant information that comes to mind almost any data and calculates. 

How is the different from  GOOGLE?

It can watch this video.


Fooplot is a program for drawing functions. There are also similar programs like Graph Sketch.
You can sketch the function for online  in 3D or 2D with root and intersection finding, easy scrolling, and exporting features

You will draw on the picture below to place're writing function.

For example I write it x^2 and I change its setting like that

You can fix the border of x-y plane
For example, My graphs' borders are -6 and 6 on the place
-4 and 4 on the y plane.
I changed its window on the x-y plane. Finally I obtained this graph.

We can do some change on our graph.

 We can change background color
and We can also add or drop "grid", "axes", "tick marks"," number"

There is also logarithmic function which is based on

Let sketch these functions

This function x^2(x-2)(x+2)
 Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions, Absolute Value, Ceil(x) can be writing in this program and You also  create polar, parametric and points.

Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions